About Me

wordpress picI am an avid reader who has been getting caught reading obsessively (and often at inappropriate times) since first grade. I have at least now put this troublemaking to good (or nefarious) use as a book reviewer. I read literary fiction, histories and biographies, psychological thrillers, mysteries, historical fiction, so called Canonical Classics, sci-fi, high fantasy, gaslamp fantasy, flintlock fantasy (All The Fantasy, basically), contemporary fiction, romance… you may be sensing a I’ll-try-anything-once theme here. And I will!

I have over eight years of experience with reviewing online. I review at Book Riot, Goodreads and also over at Barnes and Noble’s Book Blog as well as their Sci-Fi and Fantasy Blog. You can find samples of my writing here, here and here.

You can contact me on twitter with any questions, comments over conversation starters about anything you see on this blog, or to inquire about book reviewing for your website/blog and/or literary coffee mug collection! I am always intrigued to hear about new reviewing opportunities!

Happy reading to all!
