Shoulda Coulda Woulda: …Updated More!


….so.. uh…


Yup. It’s me. I’m here. Despite months of evidence to the contrary, rumors of my demise have been much … Well, you get the picture. I’m here!

You know those annoying periods of life where every time you pick up a book, all you see are the to-do lists that you should be reading and then checking off, instead? Those time where not even trying to visit Never Never Land or an awkward visit to Pemberley* on a sunny day will work? Yeah, that’s been my life for the last few months. Mostly for good reasons, some for Nothing You Can Do About It, Mustn’t Grumble, Keep Calm and Carry On stuff. But now it’s over! I’ve been able to consistently bury myself in books for the last few weeks, and periodically here and there through this Actual Life Things To Do nonsense.

(It’s also been raining consistently for two straight weeks in these parts, which has upped my “Excuses to Read that Non-Bibliophiles Recognize” count. Why does bad weather legitimize my book addiction? I don’t know, but I will take it.)

Which means the upside of this unintended book and writing vacation is that I’ve got a whole mess of things to share about. Next up, then! Shoulda Coulda Woulda’s Unintended Book Vacation Reads Roundup!: The Great, The Good, The Forgettable and The Truly Never Go There Ever, No Really.

*Do you guys know spell check doesn’t recognize Pemberley? It kept insisting I change this to Kimberley. Is there a “standard book nerd reference” package I can add to my spell check? Because this is an outrage!